QUALITY Satisfactory
SCHEDULE Satisfactory
COST CONTROL Satisfactory
MANAGEMENT Satisfactory
(VA Puget Sound Health Care System Seattle, WA)
Spees Design Build provides all professional services required for the renovation of 8,500 sf of existing space for Spinal Cord Injury patient rooms and a 9,000 sqft addition to include clinics and administrative spaces located in Building 100 Wings 1B and 1C in the Seattle campus of the VA Puget Sound Health Care System. This project prioritized, consolidated, renovated, and upgraded the rooms to bring them into compliance with current VA SCI/D (Spinal Cord Injury & Disorders) Center Design Guide specifications, VA Space Planning Criteria- Chapter 104. These Design Guidelines are analogous to the Fairchild AFB Guide Specifications, which follows the superseding AFCEC Guidelines for Design and Construction Work on this project corrected critical issues to include:
- Converting four-bed rooms into private and semi-private rooms with adjoining bathrooms in compliance with HIPAA privacy codes and
- Provide new rehabilitation space for SCI therapy
- Bring portions of the SCI Unit and Outpatient Clinic into compliance with SCI/D (Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders) Center Design Guide
- An additional six or more exam
- A dedicated room to the SCI/D Urology, as required by Government criteria
- A Therapy Training Room with a comprehensive range of rehabilitation services to include wheeling surfaces, ramps, steps, curb cuts and other training amenities required by the VA SCI/D Design Guide.